Thursday, June 29, 2006

New Community

It is very rare that a church service will be in the front of my mind days after it happens. Granted, I listen and absorb from whatever pastor is speaking, but this service inparticular is still fresh on my brain.

I'm not good with names, but the pastor who started LifeBridge church spoke at Northwoods this past week. It wasn't your typical service, but it kept me attentive the whole time. He talked about Life's Interuptions. I felt as though he was talking right to me. Now we all go through interuptions which end up causing us to doubt God's involvement. There were four principles to in which we should not doubt God. But there are two I find helpful when things have been bothering me. The first is the fact that we shouldn't doubt the deliverer. God has delivered us from our past and yet we still show no faith and worry that he isn't there. If he has delivered us before why wouldn't he deliver us now? I love that! It serves as a reassurance that all we need to do is have faith. He used one of my favorite passages from the Bible. Proverbs 3:5-6. "Trust in the Lord with all your might and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight."

The other principle that stuck right in my head was God will interupt your interuption. He knows exactly when to come in, and when you have had enough. I can remember becoming a new Christian and talking to my wonderful leader and her telling me this simple statement, "God will NEVER give you anything you can't handle." After the storm there is always sunshine, and seeds never grow if there is always sunshine, they'll burn up. So a storm is necessary.(my own view)

(I have been attempting to write this blog since Thursday, I finally got it finished!!!!)

POG to you!

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