Saturday, July 01, 2006

If you want to hear God laugh...

tell Him your plans. This line sums up my past two weeks. It seems as though everything I thought was going on, wasn't. What I had hoped wasn't, really was. All while living my life in naievity. (Ben I don't have spell check on here....I need you)

I think sudden changes of plans are God's way of keeping us on our toes. When we get comfortable we hardly look to him. In most situations it is when an disruption of comfort comes along that we are on our knees. Well let me just tell you thats been me.

One of the things I value most in my life are my friendships. It doesn't matter what mood you are in, your friends are the ones to share it with you or pull you out. I think a true friend is one who helps keep you accountable, and is the one to tell you the things you really need to hear. The closest ones know everything about you and could probably tell you more about what is good for you then you can tell yourself. In any situation I would bend over backwards for a friend but sometimes you just have to let them go.

We all have ideas of what we want in life. Significant others, houses, family, jobs, rings, and what not. I have learned that if you want something to happen....wait for it. God's timing is always perfect.

POG to you.

1 comment:

JGanschow said...