Tuesday, June 06, 2006

It all started at the garden..

My mornings at work have been pretty slow. Sunday and Monday morning went about the same (starting out at 7am!) Yesterday I decided to read a little bit. How I read a book is section by section so I have time to absorb the material. Unless however I am reading some trashy romance novel that I am sucked into and can't put the thing down (I recommend "Redeeming Love" not trashy, great love story based on the book of Hosea) Anywho.. I am currently reading a book by Donald Miller, author of "Blue Like Jazz" called "Searching for God Knows What". What a great referral by my friend Holly. My mom would be so proud I'm reading and who knew I could actually take away knowledge from a book, but there has been something running through my head all day.

Donald Miller's chapter in the book called "Naked" talked about two huge things that I have been struggling with lately. He talks about Moses' writings in Genesis and the creation of Adam and Eve. Well to sum it all up God created Adam well before Eve. Adam was alone for what could have been centuries naming all of the creatures on Earth. While this was happening Adam was lonely because he could not find the right companionship with the animals. So God took a rib and created Eve. But what I found most interesting was Miller's take on Adam's loneliness. If He would have given Adam his companion right away then Adam wouldn't have the appreciation, gratitude, or desire to love Eve. But because he went through the loneliness he can truely be greatful for God's gift of Eve. I know I have been struggling with the frustrations and asking God "why didn't this relationship work out" or "how can everyone else find love but me" and I have a peace now that God is working on my heart and molding me to be the person I need to be for the arrival of my husband.

Second main point comes with a great quote. Miller states, "All of the insecurity rises the instant you realize you are alone." Backtrack with me for a second. After the Fall was the first time Adam and Eve realized they were naked. Before they had the grace of God shining through their hearts and were genuinally duped into eating from the tree. As soon as they did this their connection with God was broken. So think about it. When you feel so close to God and surrounded by good Christian people doesn't seem as though everything is perfectly fine. But the busier you get, the faster things seem to slip away. The more negative things you feel about yourself. (or others) They realized they were naked and more self consious resulting in the wearing of clothes. Now I guess it would be weird now if we went to the movies naked...but let me just tell you if they never would have eaten from the tree I bet I would feel better personally about the topic of swimsuits.

Well that was my first book chapter analysis for a blog. I'm such a dork. I am only on the 6th chapter but I feel as though I will highly recommend this book as well.

There are only 11 days until Castaway!!!

Peace of God.

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