Thursday, May 18, 2006

Sad Day.

So lately I haven't been myself. I've noticed that my happy-go lucky personality has turned into a questioning frequently doubting life style. I hate it. But it seems no matter what I do I can't change it. I feel as though I am in a spiritual drought.

I am experiencing many changes in my life and the next 6 months will just be even worse. I think it scares me tremendously and I am afraid what will happen. The easiest way for me to deal with that is alone. I can't even describe the feeling that overcomes me feeling that I have absolutely no control in any situation anymore. So to any of you that have noticed a difference in my attitude and anyone that has the time I'd appreciate some prayers. I just wish things would be the same as they used to be....

POG to you...and hopefully to myself as well.

1 comment:

JGanschow said...

Everybody loves and cares about you Leslie! Don't be afraid to let your friends lift you up in troubling times. Being alone will only make you sadder.
hope to see you tomorrow night...