Monday, May 08, 2006

Nature vs Nurture

So I have been thinking a lot lately about how much my childhood is recently affecting (effecting..whichever)my life. Don't get my wrong I'm not bashing my family or how I was raised..I know God gave us certain circumstances to build character and find strengh in Him..but I definately have recently noticed how much I let things play a big part in how I interact with others. Let me explain..

I grew up in a very independant household. My sisters and I worked for the extra things we wanted. My mom did an excellent job at teaching us the value of a dollar and the value of work. It was hard at the time because I just wanted to have everything handed to me like most of my friends. One thing I take away from that is the fact that I do not take things for granted...well very seldomly. It has been an issue lately. Being broke college students I feel very guilty when friends pay for something: such as a meal or movie or anything in general. I find it is my responsibiity to take care of myself and I would rather be the one paying.

Now in the olden days it was unheard of for a woman to pay. It was a man's duty or responsibility to support his leading lady. Is it rude that I don't feel that way? I know its caused some discussion in a few of my friendships and I'm just curious.

Another thing I have been dealing with a lot lately would be showing emotions. I grew up in a family that loved each other and we expressed it on the phone as a salutation, but not physically much at all. Again, I'm not dissing my childhood at all but it shapes us to who we are today. I love my friends very much and God has blessed me in this area. But let me tell you how uncomfortable I feel when people give me compliments. It's just one of those things I didn't think much about until everyone started giving me compliments for no reason. I mean I was prayed over by my closest friends before my surgery and I started to cry. I didn't know how to take the compliments. Do I say, "Thank you" or just "Ditto"? This is definately not my forte. Maybe I just don't feel worthy of the compliments? Thats a whole different can of worms. Maybe I'll open it sometime in a future blog..but that should be it for now.

PS: I have 3 finals tomorrow and I don't have ANY motivation to study.

POG to you.


swishthedish said...

sometimes i feel uncomfortable when i get compliments (especially in front of other people) but one time a man wiser than me said "just look them in the eye and say thank you, you don't need to say anything else or make any excuses." i thought that was really good advice.

also, i can understand why you don't feel that the man should support the woman (or at least pay for dates) but personally, and i know a lot of other guys like this, i like the traditional role of the guy paying, the guy opening doors for the woman, the guy being a gentleman. i don't know if it reinforces our masculinity or what, but i def. know that that's what i prefer

well, i hope you don't mind me writing practically a whole new post on your blog, but blogs are all about peoples' 2 cents, and that's mine

JGanschow said...

Hey LADY!! It was fun hanging out the other night! I hope you are feeling well and finals are almost over for ya. I don't deal well with compliments either. I get shy and nervous and I don't know why. Maybe it's because I don't feel that I deserve them. Bri and I split things in our relationship. We are both about equally broke, so we revel in that together. Sooo, sometimes she pays for things and other times I pay. I was not comfortable with this at first, but now I let her. It's easier that way! See you soon!