Monday, May 22, 2006

Out comes the sun..

My past few blogs have been really...whats the word...depressing. I'm not depressed by any means and during my day today it was amazing because I finally feel the peace of God again. It showed in my actions (except for my softball game when I was frustrated with myself) and I tried to show love to everyone I saw. I don't know what kind of a funk I was in for the past few weeks and I'm tired of it. You better believe that the old Leslie is back in action!

So I got to play softball today. I mean actually play. I play on two different leagues this summer, a women's league that plays in East Peoria on Monday nights and a Kellehers league @ the stadium on Tuesdays. Last week I played for Kellehers but I have been on a break since the surgery. (Trust me I NEED to start workin out again because I was out of breath running to first.) besides that last week during my Kellehers game I was just slowly getting back into the swing of things. You know, standing behind home plate. Waiting for the ball to come knock my teeth out as it foul tips off a metal bat. Today I was horrible. I bought a new bat and I SUCK. I'm talking my hits were NOT even by the grass. SOOOOOO frustrating. I still had fun so I guess thats all that matters.

Tomorrow is my only day off this week. (besides Saturday)and its supposed to be beautiful outside. I CAN'T WAIT!!!! I GET TO LAY OUT!!!!!!! AHHHH so in case you can't tell a difference I LOVE LIFE and I LOVE EVERYONE IN MY LIFE!!!! *and i love the fact that God meets us where we are each time*

POG to you. :O)

1 comment:

JGanschow said...

Amen sista! hey, we're going to see the movie tomorrow night if you are free!