Sunday, August 20, 2006

My grab bag.

Today for some reason I have had many things to think about. A few, I think, are blog worthy. Because I have the time (work is kinda slow tonight) and to minimize blog numbers, I am giving them all to you my grab bag.

First off I have been so blessed the past few days. I feel as if God has cleared a lot of garbage from my head and heart and now I can focus on the important things.

This past week has really been a challenge for me health-wise. For the first time since the time of my surgery I had to take my pain medicine. I HATE that! It does weird things to my system for days. I get my 4th treatment next week (2 to go!) and I can't wait for it to be overwith! My schedule has not left a lot of room for rest and relaxation, or much of a social life. I think once I catch up on my sleep I'll start to feel better, but with school starting Wednesday I don't know if thats possible.

Unfortunately the car trade-in didn't work out. Not only do I not want my truck, the dealers don't want it either. I'm still looking, and having high hopes. If anyone knows any dealers or friends that want a 2002 Ford Explorer for $12,000...LET ME KNOW!! One of the guests at the hotel (he is here for months at a time) told me to put an ad on an Indian website. Supposedly people coming into the states from India who are looking for things immediately go to that website? It's free so what the heck.

As some of you know I am a recruitment counselor this fall. What I do: disaffiliate from my sorority until rush is over with, go to the welcome events for new students and get girls to sign up for recruitment. I also will be taking a group of girls around to each house during rush and when the whole process is over I get to re-affiliate with my sorority! But what is also a part of this whole 'recruitment counselor' thing is to make sure affiliated sorority girls or fraternity guys aren't persuading the girls to a specific house. This entails a 'party patrol'. Groups of us go around to the fraternity houses and 'party'. Last night was my first night going around and honestly it brought back flashes of my freshman year. Things were so new, guys loved us and gave us free beer as long as we came to their houses. Girls getting hopped up and making some bad decisions because their parents just left hours before. Freedom. It broke my heart to watch them...keep following me on this...

About a year ago I sat in the kitchen of a couple that have served as my mentors (for a lack of a better word). They cooked me dinner and we discussed my struggle with the fact that I didn't get conviction. I lived a double life and didn't feel bad about it. I wasn't sure if I should do leadership anymore. Well by God's amazing grace I was eventually slapped into reality and with a long story have grown closer to Him then I have ever been before. Along with being serious about my Christian walk came conviction. Last night and today I have felt conviction. I wasn't drunk, but with my presense I was supporting everything I have been trying to get rid of in my life. (Does that even make sense?) Let me clarify. I don't want people to think I judge them because I don't want to get drunk and they do...I guess I am feeling convicted watching these girls start down the same path I did.

One last thing...lately a lot of my friends and family members have been experiencing great life changes. Marriages, cross country moves, babies, big financial purchases and I honestly am excited for the day when I can go through this stuff too! I'm no longer looking for things to make me happy now, I am rest-assured in the future! ;o)


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