Sunday, September 03, 2006

A dunk in the water with a heart on fire..

Ever since August I have had something weighing on my heart. I feel as though I should get baptized. But here's the deal:

My parents had me baptized when I was a baby. I don't remember it, and I obviously didn't know what it meant. I've asked other people their thoughts and I have recieved different answers. Is once enough? I can understand adults getting baptised if they had never been, but I'm struggling with where I am in my life. I have been baptised, I strayed from God until my Junior year of highschool, recommited my life to God and actually understood what it meant to be a Christian, strayed and now my heart is on fire for God. Throughout the years I have been a Young Life leader showing highschool kids the love of Christ. If I were going to be baptized a second time shouldn't I have done it before I started to influence kids lives? I have already been 'cleansed' of my sins, what good would it do? But even as I was pulling up to church this morning the feeling came back that I should do it. I want it to be more than just a 'show'. I would love opinions on this topic!!!

Last night I had the opportunity to get to know two amazing people on a deeper level. On my way home I got a call from one of them, my friend Autumn. She and I have so much in common and because of our work schedules, we never really knew it until last night. We were talking about how easy it was to let our focus stray from God. The second something new comes along its as if God takes a backseat. I prayed about it when I was going to bed and today I have never felt so on fire for God. Its as if I am constantly growing and I honestly feel I know what it feels like now to be in love. I can't get enough. It's like I've been in constant conversation with Him all day, and I feel so content with His will.

I have come up with a better idea than to end my blogs with the usual "POG". I am now going to do reasons to smile. Today's is for my single friends:

Today's reason to smile: Knowing that God has a perfect person in mind for us. And the love will be unconditional just like His. :o)


swishthedish said...

as far as baptisms go, in the bible it usually says "repent and be baptized" or something to that effect. baptism always comes after a commitment to christ in the bible.

i'm not a big fan of infant baptisms, i don't think it's wrong, i just think it kind of misses the point. that's my two cents

JGanschow said...

I think you should definitely do it. I was also baptized as an infant, as that's what they do in the church I grew up in. While I think the motives are good (to start everyone out on the right track), there is no mention of baptizing babies anywhere in the bible. Baptism ALWAYS came after dedicating a life to God, as Ben mentioned. It's the public display of what God has done in your heart. He has cleansed you and you need to proclaim that! I have always been a believer but not always a follower. I didn't get baptized until this March. My parents didn't understand why I wanted to do this, and they still don't but they're old school. All I can say is that while it is not a "requirement," it makes a huge difference in your spiritual life. Take the plunge!!!

Derek said...
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Derek said...

Just stumbled upon this while suring Google. My daughter is being baptized this coming Sunday, so I've had a chance to reflect alot on infant baptism and what it all means. I grew up believing in adult baptism.

Remember though that baptism in the Bible in the new testament always came after a conversion of an an unbaptized and uncircumcized gentile. Paul links Baptism and circumcision in his letter to the Corinthians, saying that those gentiles who were baptized were "already circumcised". Circumcision was the way in which the Jews of the old testament signified that the Covenant belonged not only to them, but to their infant children. "My promise shall be to you and your household" God says to Abraham. Remember God's promise that He will be our God, the God of our childre, and our children's children. So according to Paul, baptism becomes the new form of circumsision - or the new way of signifying that a person was under the covenant of grace. Once it's done, it never needs to be done again. For it is not a believer signifying his belief in Christ, but rather it is the sign and seal of what Christ has already done for us, as heirs to the covenant.

Hope this helps, feel free to e-mail me!