Tuesday, July 25, 2006

To love or not to love

I was thinking about this a while back..but decided to blog about it now. My tastes, preferences, likes and dislikes have changed so much in the past year...
(in no order)
I now love: to love, music, being outside (beach is my #1), God, Young Life, my YL girls, kissing, to cuddle, my family, my friends, good hugs, motorcycles, laughing, playing tennis, vegatables, cheese, BABIES!!, reading, tattoos, watching movies, sleeping, getting my hair done, the smell of clean sheets/clothes, days off of work, having good conversation, Castaway, sunsets (especially at Castaway), shopping, concerts, having money, cooking, spending money on others, playing games, driving, vacations, thunderstorms...

The list of things I do not love involve a lot of my personal traits. (With an exception of spiders) Isn't it so easy to be your own worst critic? I analyze myself and could give you a list of hundreds of negative things that cross my mind. Sometimes I wish it was just as easy now as it was before the Fall. These things are more evident (spelling) to me now then ever!! I just hope I can work on accepting them in addition to changing them.

So on a different note I was reading GLAMOUR magazine at work tonight and I read part of an article regarding 12 men and what they are really thinking. One struck me and I wanted to share it with you all. Coming from professional surfer and father, Laird Hamilton, he wishes all women would have learned these three things growing up.
"1. Your love is precious, don't give it to someone undeserving.
2. You can't rescue a man, he has to be happy on his own before you can be happy together.
3. You are not Cinderella so don't think you need a man to rescue you."

I thought that was really energizing and uplifting. (It's from a chick magazine, guys just let it ride.)

POG to you!

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