Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A sweet melody

Those of you who know me, know I have such a passion for music. I love closing my eyes and hearing the pieces of music come together. Growing up my sisters and I had the ability to sound out music and teach ourselves the piano. I took violin lessons and played the clarinet for 4 years. But there's something missing.

Just as much as I love listening to music, I love singing it. Unfortunately for those sitting by me when I get in the music....my voice may not help make it more enjoyable. I was talking with a friend of mine that has a beautiful voice and I admitted I don't know if I can sing. I once had someone at church come up to me and tell me I had a beautiful voice, but the millions of times my family has told me I sound like a dying cat outweigh that one compliment.

So, he suggested I record my voice and listen back. OH MY GOSH. How embarrassing! I was awful! Pitchy, my voice fluctuated and I never would have gotten a Golden Ticket to Hollywood on American Idol. How can I have gone through so much of my life singing as loud as I can, and no one ask me to stop?

So I'd like to make this my official apology to those who sit by me as I sing my guts out. I am sorry for your eardrums.

I'd be up for taking voice lessons....if anyone knows anyone offering :)

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