Saturday, January 02, 2010

Be Better

Every year around the end of December I fall into a reflective state. My desire to be around others is less then usual and I evaluate where the past year has gotten me. In years past I have made declarations of things I will change and not do and typically in more cases then not I fail miserably. As many times as I have said it in the past, I know this year will be different. I'm not aiming to change things, I just want to simply be better.

First and foremost I want to be a better Christian. Relying only on God's provision and having a desire for more. More learning, more worship and more opportunities to serve. This also includes being a better steward of God's provision. Tithing, trying to live in simplicity and the sort. Focusing on growing with God instead of what I don't have.

Secondly, I want to be a better friend and daughter. This Christmas season I have decided to give relationally to my parents and grandparents. I want to continue to grow as a person and humble myself to spend time with family. I want to make an effort to connect with friends and learn more about their story. I want every person who interacts with me to walk away feeling they are important in my life. That will be hard, but baby steps will help.

I will be better at living with discipline. It is somewhat of a New Years resolution to start/continue writing. I have purchased a new computer and I am excited to have a place that I can call my own to write. I will be better at the discipline of prayer and devotion. I will construct a budget. I want to live more of a health conscious life.

All in all I want to say I'm not going to lose 10 pounds, complete a book, or other empty promises. At the end of 2010 I want to say I am better then where I am today. Simply put.

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