Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Good Convo..Great friend.

You know its a good friendship when you can talk for 45 minutes, not realize where the time has gone AND not have to search for anything to talk about. For her protection, and her husbands lack of knowledge regarding the 45 minute cell phone chat, I will leave all names out. If anyone heard our whole conversation they would think we were some strange people!! I love it! I am truely blessed to have someone like her in my life.

When I was little I had a dream I had to carry my sister's baby..when I was still in high school. Now the story has changed and she's had three beautiful babies, and we'll see if its God's plan for me to have children...but thought: (and I'd love feedback) I wonder what God would think about being a surrogate parent. For example: If my married couple friends asked me to carry their baby for them, with me single and not doing the deed to get the seed, what would God think about that? Is it a sin?

My blog shout-out of the day: This goes out to the stay at home mom's who get frustrated when no one posts anything!!! ;o) Thats you Summer and Vicki!

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