Friday, December 08, 2006

Wonderfully Challenged

I've been thinking lately about challenges that God places in people's lives. It is so easy to get overwhelmed with everyday life. Trying to be a Christ follower, when times get tough I look at people who seem to have it pretty easy...non-Christians. There isn't that standard...or feeling that everyone is watching you just waiting for you to fail. It blows my mind how easy it was to swear and drink when I was a non-Christian...I didn't even think twice. Now that I have commited myself and have started living my life out loud I notice everytime. There are times when life just seems to bog down everything hasn't been that way for me in a while, but I can relate when it happens to others. It's so easy to go the route of not caring. But when you care the most, its the hardest.

I feel God is challenging me. Not in a bad way. But I've prayed for certain doors to be closed if they are not good for me, and even when I have tried to close these hasn't worked. Maybe this is it? Maybe I am supposed to be challenged and have my spirituality stretched. I have never felt closer to God then I do right now, even dating a non-Christian. I see something different....and my faith in knowing the miracles God has performed in my heart makes me okay with it...I just pray I can be His light and not lose sight. What a wonderful challenge.

My reason to smile: Life ;o)

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