Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Evan Almighty.

Last night the roommates and I settled in and watched Evan Almighty. I've never seen it, but have heard good things about it.

The story was about Noah building the Arc, and how "Evan Almighty" had to leave everything to follow God and build this Arc. This was weird to his family, co-workers, community, etc. Everyone watched him and when God appeared to not be around, Evan stuck to his faith knowing God would provide.

Sounds a little like my journey right now. I can imagine everyone around me thinking I'm ridiculous for quitting my professional job for nothing. But I will be like Noah, and build my Arc regardless of what people think. God will be there.


JGanschow said...

"is is too much to ask for a LITTLE precipitation?!"

Alicia said...

Funny, because I thought of you when we watched this movie last week. You are one of the very few that ACTUALLY follow!