Thursday, March 22, 2007


So I have been taking some time away from blogging just because I've been personally struggling with some things on my heart and I didn't want to always sound negative, or repeat the same ideas I've been recycling. This past week has been really eye opening for me. Maybe it's because the weather is getting nicer, but I have definately heard God.

God spoke to me in a dream the other night. It's probably the first time I woke up and KNEW what I needed to do. I honestly can't remember another time I truely believed God spoke to me like that. After being frustrated with people letting me down, turning their backs on me, and just hurting me...I wanted to write a lot of people off. I am okay with putting people in the "we really don't need to be friends category." My dream told me that I needed to be like Jesus, and love unconditionally regardless of how people love/treat me. The parable running through my head as I was getting ready for the day was the Prodigal Son. And I woke up with the Third Day song "Don't you Know I've Always Loved You" in my head, it's been MONTHS since I've heard it.

The past few days I've been making a conscious effort to love people. We talked about it at campaigners, and it really helps to step out of the box to think about this stuff. Sometimes when we hear our own answers to things, it's really embarrassing that we would think like that. But then it opens our minds and opens are hearts.

God loves us unconditionally and although our backs are turned when we come around He's standing there with open arms. Why can't we be that way for other people?

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