Monday, June 14, 2010

A second chance

About a week ago my boyfriend and I were spending a nice Sunday together. We were going to go to lunch, stop by my place and go to Elmwood to check out the tornado damage from the night before. Since it was a beautiful and sunny day, we decided to take his motorcycle. Little did we know that two blocks away from his house our lives have changed forever.

We were driving slowly through an intersection where we had the right-of-way and all of a sudden a car that had blown through a stop sign took us out. Life happened so strangely from the moment we were struck. It didn't seem like real life. I remember flipping towards my left side and hitting a few things before finally landing. I will spare you all the gory details, but from the moment we both looked at each other and knew the other would be fighting, there was a peace that calmed us both. After what seemed like hours of slow breathing and blurred focus I finally arrived to OSF's Trauma room.

This past week of surgeries, visitors, doctors, non-stop nurse visits, physical therapy, tears, flowers and so much more have really opened my eyes to what life is all about. He and I have grown so much as a couple and know that both together and individually we have a long journey to fight through. Through this journey I will be writing my realizations that hopefully will help you all see that today, accident or not, can be your second chance.

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