Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Two Week Wrap Up

I can't tell you how eventful my past two weeks have been. Some of the stuff I do is routine but when I come home from the daily grind I just keep finding stuff to do around the house. Tonight is the first night in a long time that I'm just trying to relax. (I bet any amount of money I will start cleaning or rearranging.)

The house is beautiful. It's definately becoming more 'home'. Last night we had our first official get together, or Halloween party if you will. It went over really well. Although I'm not used to being a party host, I constantly felt I should be doing something to entertain everyone. But I think our window connecting the kitchen to the living room entertained everyone just as good. (I have never seen as many people just cross through a window instead of walking around.)

The Nexus Retreat was exactly what I needed. I have not been that active since probably before I got sick. Let me tell you that my body was screaming at me for days! Brandon, the speaker, was talking about how we distract ourselves with idols, and before I posted this blog I read my last post. How selfish am I? Worried about not having Internet?!? Wow...I need to recheck myself.

I got my final treatment today!!! I can't express how excited I am to feel 'normal' in a month!! Let's hope all of my problems will no longer be problems!!! I have a trick or treating story to tell you all but since Charlie tells me my blogs are too long...I'll save it for next time!! ;o)

My reason to smile: a peaceful night in my house!!

1 comment:

Brandon J. Brown said...

Sorry, for my part in you being sore the next day! We had a great time with you guys!