Tuesday, November 07, 2006


What a disease. I have had conviction resignating in my heart all morning and it seriously makes me sick. (I did however pray for it, so don't feel pity) Let me digress:

Sin is never ending. I believe that when you become a Christian, and turn your heart over to God you will still knowingly sin. You will be learning to love God but still getting the courage to ditch your life apart from God, your past. For me, it took a few years for things all to fall into place. I still struggle, or fall but it has been with different things then it was when I first became a Christian. What I don't understand, and its causing me heartache today, is why do we still commit sin when we know in our heart it is wrong?

God's whispers were in my head, my cross was hanging from my neck. I knew that what I was subjecting myself would not benefit me in any way, yet I did not stop it. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? Now by ommitting the situation and talking in generalities I am sure people have extreme thoughts running through their heads, don't worry, it's not life altering.

Here's my question. If we as Christ followers know where we are in our walk, know in our hearts what is right and wrong, then why on earth do we still go through the crap? Not all of the time. I believe there can be a great stretch where you are constantly learning more and striving to satisfy God's desires for our lives, but what about the times when your past struggles come face to face with today. I am so dissapointed in myself because I know what I need and know what to do, but I let it slip.

My reason to smile: Spending time with Alyssa and walking to class only to experience a man in a car bumping "White and Diry" by Weird Al with all the windows down. hahahaha Great experience!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paul, Romans 7:19:

For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.

Everyone struggles because we are human. But it is a beautiful struggle. Just because we give our lives to God doesn't mean we won't sin anymore-it just won't be fun anymore.