Wednesday, December 02, 2009


Call it the Christmas Spirit seeping it's way into my heart or maybe the Holy Spirit opening up my eyes, but this week I've had quite a different perspective on my family.

I know I bitch and moan about how stressful family situations are, and by this post I'm not discounting them at all. I do not enjoy feeling the way I feel about circumstances out of my control but when the day is done you can't choose who has the same DNA as you.

I was driving home yesterday feeling very safe and secure in my car with 4 new tires and 2 new brakes. Partially due to my Grandma and Grandpa and my mother giving me some Christmas & birthday money in advance. Gifts are such a sore subject in my family, but when they all heard I was going to have to spend a considerable amount of money I did not have to ask for it. That warms my heart. My mom knows how I stress about finances and has never said no if I've ever asked, but the thing about it this time was that I didn't even have to ask. I can remember last Christmas my dad and grandma helped me out with some trips I was taking also.

I purposely don't ask for help because either I'm too stubborn or too independent, but as I look back my family has been willing to help. When I ask and they can't, I just know I'm supposed to go through the struggle to make me a better, more responsible person. Weird, I think I'm growing up.

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