Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Too tired for God.

The Holy Spirit has been present in my heart these past few weeks. I've had a desire to worship at various times throughout the day but I find my heart mostly prepared for learning at night. I read a chapter in a book, or the Bible, and I go to bed.

Now, I've gotten back into my 'grandma' routine of going to bed at 9:30ish. I can't seem to wake up in the morning. I've skipped the gym all last week and I have yet to go this week. I can't seem to find the energy. My workout plan had a solid focus of taking care of the body God gave me. Yet I can't drag myself out of bed in the mornings to do so?

Besides my personal growth with God at night, during the day I seem bogged down. My energy level is shot and I find this prevents me from genuinely caring for others. I think about being quite and reserved instead of starting conversations that could lead to an explanation of my faith or a deep conversation with my co-workers. I drink coffee in the morning and some sort of caffeine in the afternoon but nothing seems to help. I'm exhausted.

Any advice on what could perk me up? I don't want to be too tired for God's work.

1 comment:

JGanschow said...

What do you eat? Cut out the sugar-empty carbs make you crash. Do you take vitamins? How much water do you drink? Replace the caffeine with water-lots of it. It will make a world of difference. Continue to get an adequate amount of sleep, but not tooo much. It's weird that oversleeping makes me tired. When I choose to hit the snooze button instead of getting out of bed to hit the gym, I'm actually more tired throughout the day and then have trouble sleeping. Keep up the healthy routine!