Monday, July 27, 2009

We are officially our own biggest let down.

I don't think I'm alone in feeling like I've let God down. Months go by where my spiritual walk is progressing and I can recognize the work God has done in my heart. I feel confident that the things I've given to Him are gone and can focus on the person He wants me to be.

Then I get hit with a ton of bricks and it's like I have no idea where that person is anymore. I struggle to find that peace God had given me and I let myself slip. You know what I mean, do things you know aren't right, swear when you know the overflow of the heart is what comes off the lips, etc. Satan has a way of sneaking in and overtaking your world.

I think it's at this time when it's extremely important to remember that the fight we are fighting to be closer to God is not one of flesh and bone. Nothing we do can prevent us from the love of Christ. It's all a supernatural fight and Satan is very clever! The Evil one will take any foothold we give him.

When I fall now, I get back up, brush myself off and guard myself with the Word, understanding it is only God who can rightfully place judgement and Him who will heal our wounds.

1 comment:

charlesdean2 said...

"Its no surprise to me I am my own worst enemy
Cuz every now and then..."

preach it Leslie. I consistently find that no one is capable of disappointing me like I am capable of disappointing myself