Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Last night I started reading this book about the battlefields of our minds. I only read the first chapter because I like to absorb and work through each subject.

As a remember before my Christian days the ideas of Satan and God seemed very cartoonish to me. You know, the good angel bad devil stuff. Like the ideas were aparations floating above me, not real figures in today's world. Even as I read last night I struggled with the idea of presenting Satan and God to a non-Christian. How can I describe the evils of Satan without sounding either 'looney' or 'churchy'.

Today I am under great attack. I believe it's because I'm starting from square one to get rid of the 'strongholds' that I have had in my mind from years ago that lead me to feel the way I do now. Every minute goes by and something new is going on about how I feel. I don't feel content. I see glimpses of a peaceful mind. Today is definately a day that I should have taken a personal day.

PS: Doesn't help that work is pretty slow!

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