Sunday, August 12, 2007

Christianity after college.

Since graduating I have had the wonderful opportunity to take three trips this summer. Throughout these times God has spoken to me and I believe has really changed and formed my heart. Here is a recap.

1. There were different times where I felt God moving into my heart asking for everything. I was reading this book called Time Bandits when I was consumed by my worries. A quote mentioning, "Concern yourself with what concerns Me, and I will take care of the things that worry you." I have been blessed by 2 out of the 3 worries have been taken care of. I know things will always not be this worry free but I am okay with believing God will take care of them when they arise.

2. I'm getting baptized. I believe this summer God has really weighed on my heart to start clean. To make a declaration of my surrender to Him. To make this even more meaningful, I am having not only my mentor but my friend baptize me. It will be a little different then the typical church ceremonies, I will be baptized at the Sletten's house by Summer.

3. I have found that I am completely in disgust by the life I used to live. The way people act as if their lives aren't important, and all they are out for is a good thrill made me feel sorry for them. I am so glad finally I have been delivered by what was a struggle of mine for years.

4. I laugh about it now, but I genuinely feel for people. A couple of weeks ago I saw someone weaping, and my heart ached for them. I cried at some stupid Mandy Moore movie because she was letting herself love another. I recieved a gift from someone and I cried like a baby. I have been praying for immense compassion and I have found it. I wasn't crying for any other reason then sympathy and celebration.

I recognize daily the gifts I have from God. I search biblical ways to handle situations. I use scripture as a focus for things I do. If I start to worry I am immediately reminded God will deliver me as long as I am faithful to Him. I know all of you Christians are thinking to yourself, "This is what it should have been like all along...duh" but I have come to the conclusion that being a Christian is easier for me after I graduated college.


Hite said...

Leslie, you are such an inspiration. You are such a motivating person. Keep up the good work. I look forward to spending more time together.

JGanschow said...

love you, friend!
I'm so happy to hear things are turning around for you.
Making HIM the focus each and every day changes your whole perspective. Don't let anything or anyone steal that from you!

Sam said...

it's so cool to have heard about the person you once were, and to now see the person you're becoming!!! you've grown a lot since i've met you, and you're such a great role model for me and the other yl girls!!! i loveee ya!

Hang10 said...

Leslie,You are such a wonderful person and I wish I would have been able to get to know you more! Kepp filling your life with Him!