Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Motherhood Moment...

For those of you who know me, you know my intense passion for kids. I dream of the day I can start a family. Well this past weekend, yesterday included was a definate 'motherhood experience' for me.

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and my wonderful friends and I were outside enjoying the weather (and celebrating my graduation) when I was holding someone that I love dearly! All of a sudden I feel warm drench my legs and lap. Lyza Gray was feeling under the weather and decided to empty her stomach- which was just fed- all over me. Projectile vomit that missed her clothing entirely but managed to drench me. But it wasn't just one tiny little puke. It was 3 sepearate sections of projectile vomit. The whole group was in shock, especially her parents. I didn't know what to do, I just kept her on my lap until she finished puking. The comments from the peanut gallery didn't help either, "Oh Sick," "Thats gross!" "Look at all that puke." Needless to say on a day of celebration, everyone wants to look their best, and I was covered in puke. So much I needed to get hosed off before entering my house to shower.

Last night I had the pleasure of picking my niece and two nephews up from their school in Bloomington. Sydney is 5, Alex is 3, and Ethan is 7 months. I carted the three to Buffalo Wild Wings (where I definately got looks, being a 'single mother and all'.) We bath and get ready for bed. All was going perfect until I hear the monitor starting to go off at 3 am. Ethan was crying. Of course he didn't want a bottle, he didn't need to be changed, he just wanted to be held. So for an hour and 45 minutes, I held him, and eventually layed him in bed with me. Of course I didn't sleep well because I was terrified of rolling onto him. - I'm not a big roller I just hear people talking about it.-

Needless to say I have had motherly experiences lately, and although I still love kids dearly...I'll wait.

1 comment:

JGanschow said...

I will never forget the vomit comet. That was seriously one of the funniest things I've ever witnessed. Thank you for providing the entertainment.
I hope Lyza's feeling better.
and you don't stink like baby puke.