Friday, May 26, 2006


I started a blog to write and get things off my chest, get other's opinions on my thoughts, and just chart my experiences. I have an update for my faithful readers...

Living at home isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong I didn't brace myself for Hell, but it's more of a peaceful atmosphere. I think I need that. Another thing being at home is that it pulls me away. Living on campus it is easier to just get stuck in a rut doing the same ole routine. Now its more of an effort and you know I mean business if a trip is made to do something at Bradley! ;o)

The past few days have been really rough on my body. Maybe it's the moving, maybe its work, maybe it's just stress in general. It's weird my body is changing so much, especially how it reacts to things. Alcohol, in small quantities folks, sometimes makes me sick. Not drunk sick, but I yak twice over one Bud Light. It's not really striking my fancy right now. Second thing I've noticed is when something is wrong or out of my control and stresses me out, I throw up on occasion multiple times. Weird, huh? Then I get this sickening feeling in my stomach like the wind has been constantly knocked out of my tummy and I can't concentrate on anything BUT it. I really miss the days when I could handle everyone else's problems on top of my own and still wear a big smile on my face because I was amazing at just dealing. Now my body shuts down like I'm 90. My new procedure is tentitavely (spelling) scheduled to start on Tuesday. I'm extremely scared. I know everything is in God's hands but do you ever just feel frustrated that you don't know whats going to happen?

I think what scares me the most is how am I going to change? In the past 6 months I have noticed a drastic change in my attitude and lifestyle as it is, I can only imaging what the Lupran will do. For those of you who have met me in these past months I promise to you that this is normally not me. For those of you who do know me I hope to have the complete 'old' Leslie back to you soon! I think it's just going to take time.

My life with God is great. The peace is still here (I just have to open my eyes a little wider at times.)

POG to you all!

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